Exceptionally parliamentary elections

Posted 28.12.2003.

In Sunday 28.12.2003. There were exceptionally parliamentary elections in Serbia. EMinS Zrenjanin took active participation in preelection campaign as well as in monitoring results of elections. This time along with CESiD we gathered information’s about number of voters that voted, monitored regularity of elections after the voting time, and published unofficial results.
European Movement in Serbia, Local Council Zrenjanin gave technical and human support to the regional office of CESiD, that have successfully finished their job, regarding 11 municipalities in Vojvodina. Volunteers of these two organizations elaborated data, that they gathered through all day and night. The results of CESiD can be wiewed here.
This is just another of examples of successful cooperation between NGOs that work in the region of Banat and we hope that there will be more and more similar examples of cooperation.

Parliamentary election

Posted 23.12.2003.

European movement in Serbia, Local Council Zrenjanin in cooperation with two organizations: Zrenjanin Educational Centre and Civic Initiatives conducted promotional action for bigger number of voters on parliamentary election "Message of young people to future government", in the centre Zrenjanin. This action was conducted with purpose to as much as possible more people go out and vote on parlamential elections. There was an open book for people who wanted to write a message to the future government.

"NGO Centre"

Posted 17.12.2003.

There was opening ceremony of offices of NGO Centre in Makedonska 11 Street in Zrenjanin. NGO Centre has two offices and one hall for meetings, round tables and seminars that were provided with equipment by European Movement in Serbia, Local Council Zrenjanin. European Movement in Zrenjanin through Interteka until 1998. works as some kind of NGO Centre.
To The opening ceremony there were allot of NGO organizations present, as well as local media from Zrenjanin.

"NGO Centre"

Posted 17.12.2003.

On wensday 17.12. at 17:00 hour in the Hall of NGO centre at Makedonska 11 street, was preformed official opening of NGO centre in Zrenjanin.
At the opening many of NGOs and Citisant groups from Zrenjanin, and also Local media were present.
Opening word had Nikola Slajh MA, president of Local council of European movement in Serbia, and after him mrs. Ana Vujinov, president of the NGO centre Zrenjanin.
In the ceremonial part of the opening of NGO centre, The choir of Slovenian group “Planika”, and childrens group “Renesans” from Klek, also took part. After official ceremony of the oppening, guests had continued with coctail party.

"Citizens Council"

Posted 17.12.2003.

On wensday 17.12. at 18:00 hour in the Hall of NGO centre at Makedonska 11 street, after ceremonial opening, has been founder conference of the Citizens Council, on which was adopted Statute of Citisant Council. There were also elected coordinator and coordinator assistant. For coordinator was chosen dr. Žegarac Dragana, and for her assistant mr. Berbakov Živorad.
The tasks of this Citisant Council are as follows:
- To represente the meaning of continuous folowing and controle of local gouvernment and also the powerfull mean for influence on development of the local comunity;
- To afirmate citisants and local government to work together;
- Represente the legitimate means of inflience on decision making of local government throught applicate the plan of acts, sudgestions for improving the qality of life in local comunity, development politics and betther service in local government;
- Citisant Council succesfuly stops the negative appearance wich can bee a unreasonably birocracy of local government, and making it more transparently and more reachenable to the citisant.
- Instigation citisant on iniciatives for bether quality of life in their conunity
- Council develop feeling of one’s share to the local comunity and bigger interests for local government.

"Banat cross-border Dialogue"

Posted 12/13.12.2008

The biggest project of EMinS Zrenjanin for the year of 2004. is ” Banat cross-border Dialogue”, within this project there is predicted 10 seminars in 10 Municipalities in Banat. The main goal of this project is strengthening of regional cooperation between Municipalities in Banat. This project is supported by Balkan Trust for Democracy.
First seminar was conducted in Zrenjanin in organization of EMinS, CESiD and NGO Centre in Zrenjanin. This event was conducted in hall of NGO Centre in Makedonska 11 street. Themes that were presented are as follows: Democracy, The Law of Local Government, Civic Initiatives, Project writing….
In this seminar following organizations took part: representatives of NGOs, association of citizens.
By the judgment of participants this seminar have fully fulfilled their expectations, and they learned much more about subjects that were presented to them.
Lecturers and trainers that conducted this seminars are: Ivana Markov-CESiD, Miodrag Milosavljevic – CESiD, Dragana Vujinov – EminS Zrenjanin, Vujinov Ana – NGO Centre Zrenjanin, Nikola Slajh – EMInS zrenjanin, and as a guest from agricultural association from Muzlja – Enre Cikos.

"NGO Centre"

Posted 02.12.2003

On initiative of European Movement in Zrenjanin, NGO Centre was founded by 11 organizations, and cooperate with 40 NGOs, syndicates and citizen groups in Zrenjanin. In limited circumstances we work on promotion of idea of nongovernmental sector and civic society, as well as connection on local and regional level. NGO Centre is informative centre for all NGOs in this region, and one of main goals is development of regional network. The founders of NGO Centre are as follows:
• European Movement in Serbia, Local council in Zrenjanin
• Centre for free elections and democracy
• Young organisation Circle, Melenci
• Zrenjanin educational centre
• Association of citizens’ Healthy life, Zrenjanin
• Association of citizens NGO agency for business development
• Association of war army invalids in Zrenjanin
• Organisation of deaf and hearing disorders, Zrenjanin
• Syndicate of educational workers in Vojvodina, Zrenjanin
• Foundation for help to children Fedra
• Association of enologists Zrenjanin

"In Europe from… Zrenjanin"

Posted 27.11.2003

There was conducted manifestation “In Europe from… Zrenjanin” in organisation of Cultural Centre from Zrenjanin and European Movement. Manifestation was conducted in under dramatic play “Anatomy of the rabbit ” in conduction by theatre studio of Cultural Centre.

"EMinS informational educational centre"

Posted 26.11.2003

Europen Movement in Serbia, Local Council Zrenjanin has successfully finished the project ”EMinS informational educational centre” that was supported by Freedom House.
Beside NGOs in this project also took part another organisations that expressed the wish to participate in education such as: local government representatives, representatives of local communities, citizens groups and private entrepreneurs. Representatives of media also took part as participants and at the same time they informed about our activities through media.
The most of organisations that work in similar tasks do not work in the region the same, so there is the need for some kind of Regional Centre that will give necessary information’s to all NGOs in the region.

"Get out and vote"

Posted 10.-14.11.2003

The action “Get out and vote” has been done for Presidental election. Our volunteers has shared the material on the streets in Zrenjanin to instrigate the cyticant to get out on election. Also in the Hall of NGO center in 11th Makedonska street, has been platform on subject of “Get out and vote” elections.

"Civil society and democratization of Serbia"

Posted 30.10.2003

Participation on focus group wich was organized by Agency Argument from Belgrade with subject “Civil society and democratization of Serbia”.

"EMinS informative-educational center"

Posted 31.10.2003

In the Hall of NGO center has been last part of the project “EMinS informative-educational center”. The lecture was Milan Milosevic , who was marked with higher score by participant and fulfill participants expectations. The theme was “How to establish and maintain with Donators ” , with under theme “ Strengthening the NGO sector, Work with volunteers and Meaning of Regional Net ” .

Prize for best employees of Local Government

Posted 21.10.2003

In the Hall of local Government in the project of European movement in Serbia, Local council Zrenajnin “Transparency International”, for the fifth time was given the prize for best employees of Local Government.

"EMinS informative-educational center"

Posted 15,17,29.10.2003

Were maintained seminars from project “EMinS informative-educational center”, in tree municipalities near Zrenjanin: Zitiste, Perlez and Titel. Theme were Project management, Strategic management and Civic initiatives. Project were ended in cooperation with CeSID Zrenjanin.


Posted 15.10.2003

In municipality of Zitiste like guest was Sandra Stanic Dabic, coordinator for Vojvodina from Freedom House. In these seminars participation was from NGOs, Local government and civil groups.


Posted 10.10.2003

In the Hall of Local Government was implemented seminar about Cross border cooperation, and guest was Eugen Cherga from Romania (Free minds Romania).


Postavljeno 15-16.10.2003

In 11th Makedonska Street were worked on connection of NGOs with Internet.


Posted 16.10.2003

Exposition of Konrad Adenauer with theme “German and European” was in Cultural center cooperation with our organization. The opening was 16.9.2003. At 20:00 hour. In opening of exposition lot of artists, NGOs and people from local government took attendance. The exposition lasted till 29.09.2003.

EMinS informative-educational center

Posted 26.06.2003

In the Hall of local government like one part of project “EMinS informative-educational center” were maintained seminar with theme Preparing for European Integrations. The lecturers were as follows:
- Dr Dusko Lopandic (EmiNS Belgrade) : “Sustainability of economic development in the region of West Balkan “
- Dr Prof. Branislav Deliæ (Geographic Faculty Belgrade): “Regionalisation, Regional strategy of economic development, Infrastructural systems , Regional importance of integration’s in European Union, Regional policy”
- MA Goran Gvozdenoviæ (Ministary for foreign affeirs): “Local government, decentralization of finances, changes of financial systems, corruption, Responsibilities of the state”
- Mr Aleksandar Zavišiæ (Ministry for economic relations with foreign countries): “Initiatives of Local government, Cross-border cooperation, European way as only possibility of development, Importance of regulation of policies and reconciliation with policies and laws of European Union, Past work regarding integration’s”.


Posted 20.06.2003

Visit from members of Freedom House to our offices. Guests was Sandra Stanic Dabic, Coordinator for Vojvodina and Zeljko Jovanovic Program Officer.

Seminar with theme Public relationst

Posted 17.-19.06.2003

In the Hall of Agency for small and middle enthertuneruship was seminar with theme Public relations, and participations were People from media and NGOs.

Seminar with theme Strategic management

Posted 3.-4.06.2003

In the Hall of Agency for small and middle enthertuneruship was seminar with theme Strategic management.

Computer basic

Posted 1.06.-15.07.2003

Within project “EMinS informative-educational center” were seminar-course from Computer basic. 20 participants took part in these seminars.

"Europe Day"

Posted 8.05.2003

Celebration of Europe Day in organization from EMinS Zrenajnin. There were lots of cultural manifestations. In the morning there was pronouncement open Europe street, children was drawing pictures on theme how they see Europe, and there was also mini concert of Kvartet+. In the evening in the Hall of Local Government was concert of Spiritual music from this Region.

New address

Posted 5.05.2003

European movement in Serbia, Local council Zrenjanin has moved to new offices in 11th Makedonska Street.